Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Live drama!!
What live drama?? hmm, today the teacher announce that who have couple or been dating will be called out to the front of the hall with their partners!!
weeeeeeeee!! live telecast!!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
AHH~ fixed...
Yume now is getting weird and weirder!!
By blogger help...
i have tried everything...nothing helps...i even tried changing my blog skin 3 times already...=.= fed up!anyone cna help me?
stupid bug!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Kayak aka bully session?? XD
And, as usual your baka yume(-kun) is as lazy as usual so the picture is not arranged according to order.... ehehe

My papa saying, ok, you all take the kayak, huh?? okok like this, you see yume and michele go 1st, then you see how they kayak then you follow....
Monday, September 21, 2009
Merry raya!!
no, no....1 week and 1 day holiday!!!
Hmm...we'll start from thrusday:
Went got my sports karate. Sensei teach us how to break our fall and to learn how to roll, not the egg roll, but from the head. so we did the roll, learn the break falling and how to take down!!! after training...ITAIIIIIII!!! my back hurts!!!! the next day...i walked like an old woman, luckily it was a holiday or elsa i don't know how i was going to school...
i went out with my old classmate,my old classmate's friend and my classmate to parkson! i only wanted to go to the book store to buy some books and then one electronic stuff for my computer...
But, then after the book store, they wanted to go watch movie...i wasn't really keen, but, for the fun of it, why not?? so we went to watch Orphan. it's about this girl who is an orphan who come from Russia but has a really really really dark background!! KOWAI!
But for me...IT'S JUST A MOVIE...NOT SERIOUS ABOUT IT...so i watch watch watch watch...then i see my friend... their faces...@.@....
Well, here's a crap or two...
1, my tortoise farts...which to me....HAHAHEHEH =.=
2, AAAAAAAAAAAA suddenly gone all crazy again!! or hyper?? =.=
Friday, September 11, 2009
Harry potter and the half blood prince
Yamapi and Ryo
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Ryu and Yamapi got H1N1!! T^T
錦戸が出演中のTBS系ドラマ「オルトロスの犬」(金曜午後10時)の4日放送分で出演シーンがあるが、未収録のため、内容は検討中。山下が出演 しているフジテレビ系のドラマ「ブザービート」(月曜午後9時)は当面、撮影を中止。2日以降、ほかの出演者の日程を調整する。
Ryo and Yamapi got confirmed to have infected by H1N1. Both are now quarantine at home and stop working. As Yamapi is filming drama, his part have stop and is changing working schedule with co-worker.
'Then Ryo still got some scence in Orthros no inu in episode 7 so it got to be delayed... and think about it T^T Ryo might pass to hikaru, and hikaru might pass to the whole HSJ. then yamapi had a reunion with Kame for shuuji to akira...so that means Kame might get it...then Hikaru pass to Yamda so hidarime Eye Tentei... Then HSJ just has a concert with 20000 people 0.0....KAME AND ALL!! BE SAFE!!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Yamada's new drama! hidarime EYE tantei
Yamada plays junior high school student Ainosuke Tanaka. He receives a corneal transplant in his left eye from his dead older brother (Kanjani8's Yu Yokoyama, 28), who was a researcher. Because of that eye, he begins seeing strange visions hinting at a crime, possibly related to his brother's death. While searching for the truth, he becomes involved in a major case.
Yamada previously played detective roles in "Tantei Gakuen Q" and "Furuhata Chugakusei," but this is his first one with a special ability.
Satomi Ishihara (22) plays a teacher who supports Ainosuke. Other cast members include Yasufumi Terawaki (47), Neptune's Ken Horiuchi (39), and Nagisa Katahira (50).
Yay! right after another drama, he's doing another drama again!!
Kyo!! i can't wait for it to come out!! another detective drama for me again! yippie!
Friday, September 4, 2009
dad left me, tortoise found and sports karate
Called him almost 7 times...then only he answer and said 'okok!! yaya coming back now!!' == damn it, he forgot about me...
And, after 4 days with food or water and in a new container...it still wants to climb out == haiz....
And yesterday was my 1st sports karate class too! Haha...we learn how to celebrate after getting a mark again and....i made it....well....i said,(on purpose) that celebrate was pronounce as sell a bread just to make a joke out of it and then after that we all said sell a bread sell a bread....LOL....
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Holiday's over and my new pet!!
anyway, i just came back from my 1 week holiday with i spend all of the time in K.K(kota kinabalu not kota yabu NOT kamenashi kazuya,sadly and not kota kangsar!!)
It was fun with Aunty Agnes! all her fishes and all the different places which we went! which in speaking she tried to 'sell' me every here we went use used excuses like....luckily this aunty was here to save you...or...you see, you soo skinny till no one wants you....XD
And, i bought 2 tortoises!! and the funny thing was...i only brought 1 back....why??
When i brought it back, i put it in a container temporary with just a little bit of water only!....then after that i when reading my book, after that, i when back to see the...only 1 tortoise, i though my eyes was playing tricks with me (kowai...@.@) make me look to times again!! the second time i called aunty to see my eyes gone wrong...
And indeed there was only 1...and luckily it dropped and got stuck in the middle of the rack(poor poor tortoise). then that night @.@ that tortoise ran away again!! and now i can't find it was my flight was very early in the morning so didn't have the time to hunt for it...
In the end, i only bring 1 back...what to do, until now the other tortoise is not yet found......
Oh, and...i still need a name for my tortoise...as for now, him/her ( i still don't know what is it @.@) name is kame... but i will change if there's a nicer name suggested by you all XD will change in 1 week time if there's a nicer name!
About Me
- Yume
- hello! well, first of all, yukan can mean anything!! it's a word i got from yukan club the drama!
I hope you like my blog!
This blog is about what i do in life, my likings and many many thing about me.
Hopefully through this blog, i and also everybody could see how i grow up!! from a kid to a matured human!
Oh! and please do come and drop a comment! even if you are a stranger! after all, we all have something in common!! it is that we all are human and life on earth!!
P.S i do talk craps sometimes XD so you can just ignore that part!
Let's bla bla!!
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