Hmm, nothing much i can say that i did this holiday is fun enough to post onto my blog.
But since my blog is kind of D-E-A-D......I'll just post something.
Well, my brother came back from Australia, and...he's going off in 3 days time to the U.K,Europe and some other place for holiday and for his course. And he's been here for almost a month!! but it's like 1 week for me!! ARG...why go time pass so fast during the hols and so so so ever so slow during the...ARG, don't want to say it =D
My bro will be going this Sunday, and my sister will be coming this Saturday, so it's like...Happy today, sad tomorrow kind of thing.... 0.0
Recently, i been reading Twilight, all the 4 books, now breaking dawn left about 10 pages, i read it all on my laptop. it took me about 3 days for twilight, 2 days for new moon, 4 days for eclipse and about 5 days for breaking dawn counting today i that means 2 weeks reading all 4 twilight to finish the whole book!!
I didn't really like twilight at first...i was like...=.= love story.... but after i started it, read read read read read, and before i know it, it's almost finish!!
Then when i search the Internet, i found out that the author wrote another book call midnight sun, it's about the 1st book, twilight, on Edward's perspective.
One more last thing...0.0 after 3 years...i begin to touch the piano again, i played Bella's lullaby...the keys are damn far away from each other and also my hands so small cannot reach...then i found kizuna by kame wuuu....hehe and slowly off to sakura biyori @.@ i focus on bella's lullaby 1st, but i been playing for a fews days....still stuck here and there T^T
That's all that i have been doing these few weeks....
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